The surroundings in which we live in equally as important as the place we live in i.e. our home.
With Living Area/condition Home Inspection we check how compatible is your home and surroundings to nature? We verify the air quality, water quality, lightning protection and pollution level around your home to ensure you invest in a healthy deal.
Through air quality check we assess how good is the quality of air that you breathe in? Due to modernization and industrialization the level of various harmful gases has exceeded than the normal levels as established by the Environmental protection Agencies. We monitor the temperature and the level of Carbon dioxide and humidity in the air using latest technology and tools.

Quality of water generally varies with different area and location. This happens because the soil nutrient content also varies according to different area.
Water is one of the basic essential needs for sustaining life on earth, so a thorough verification for it is needed. We thoroughly monitor the PH level of the drinking water as well as the daily usage water using latest tools and technology. We provide a range of testing for water quality by the help of which you can conclude your decision making.
Lighting is one of the most essential part of our home and work environment. Other than having visual implications the intensity of light also affects our productivity in terms of physical and mental activeness and it also affects our health. We at monitor the intensity of light in your home through light meters to ensure that you live in space where there is right inflow of light.

In medium to high density housing areas like flats and apartments non-traffic related noise complaints are on rise. The sound insulation requirements are not properly taken care of in the new apartment buildings or multi-unit housing apartments. We check the design specifications for noise levels using latest tools and technology before you buy, build or renovate a multi-residential unit. Installation of proper sound insulation in houses in noisy areas will be beneficial from seller’s point of view also as this will give an added advantage to the prospective buyers and the value of the property can be kept on higher side.

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